Welcome to Riverhead Free Library!

Whether you are someone who enjoys the physical touch and experience of a good book, movie or other material from our TRADITIONAL CATALOG someone who prefers a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD of an eBook, eAudiobook, MAGAZINE (via Flipster) or a VIDEO/MOVIE streamed right to your computer or mobile device;  someone who desires to learn, grow and pariticipate with your community through our diverse PROGRAM OFFERINGS someone who is a student, scholar (or student scholar!) conducting RESEARCH through our extensive collection of DATABASES (or in need of HOMEWORK HELP); or someone looking for a GRANT, there is simply something for everybody at Riverhead Free Library.  Be sure to peruse our Bi-monthly NEWSLETTER and stay abreast of all our exciting DAILY PROGRAMS & EVENTS.    Please, come pay a visit to Riverhead's best kept secret - your local library.   While you're here, please consider joining the FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY and help increase the public awareness of the library through its fundraising and program sponsorships!

Kerrie McMullen-Smith,  Library Director.


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